Growing Plants for Picture-Perfect Pots
I’m Brian McCormally. Gardening is a passion of mine. I learned about growing plants, flowers and veggies from my mother who was an organic gardener long before it was fashionable. She taught me to treasure nature and to grow responsibly.
It has been two months since we started cultivating cuttings from last year’s plantings and they are now thriving. I favored bright varieties of sweet potato vine and annuals to save from our 2023 garden and will reintroduce them to the garden this Spring. We will start the gardening season with ample vines and trailing annuals to anchor our 90 pots … and still have plenty to share.
The color palate for this year’s pots and garden beds is a blend of blues, purples and white. Hundreds of seedlings have arrived and been repotted. The annuals that fill the garden beds and pots start out under grow lights indoors before moving into the greenhouse in February or March. Currently, we have approximately 400 plants incubating. By April, they will be lush and full — ready to plant in the garden.
Here’s a tour of our greenhouse. You can see for yourself how we make everything work.
I’m excited to share my secrets to help transform your garden into a lush and vibrant space. After years of experimenting, I have accumulated valuable tips to share with you. Don't miss out - subscribe to our newsletter, follow my blog and get ready to elevate your gardening game!