Come with us as we tell meaningful stories of preservation, restoration and hospitality. Explore Suffolk, Virginia’s rich history and share in our favorite experiences at The Truitt House.

A Few Things I’ve Learned About Crafting Container Gardens and Keeping Them Looking Beautiful All Summer Long
Suffolk History, Preservation, Gardening Brian McCormally Suffolk History, Preservation, Gardening Brian McCormally

A Few Things I’ve Learned About Crafting Container Gardens and Keeping Them Looking Beautiful All Summer Long

Gardening isn’t just a hobby for me; it’s a passion, a lifestyle and a love affair with nature. There’s something incredibly fulfilling about nurturing plants and watching them thrive, bringing vibrant color and life to our surroundings. While our perennial garden provides a stunning, reliable base, I find that the real magic happens when we incorporate annuals and container gardens. They add a dynamic splash of color and variety that transforms our outdoor space into a living masterpiece.

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eBay Bounty: Cultivate Your Garden’s Beauty with Plant Plug Discoveries

eBay Bounty: Cultivate Your Garden’s Beauty with Plant Plug Discoveries

Over the years, I have fine-tuned our Spring/Summer flower gardening program. Someone else handles the seed germination these days. Ebay is my go-to for starter plants. After the holidays — when the winter winds are in full swing — I review my notes from the past growing season, peruse inspirational photos from mail-order gardening catalogues, and binge watch our favorite gardener — Laura LeBoutillier of @gardenanswer — to develop each new season’s flower gardening plans. When a color theme is chosen, the mail-order catalogues are pitched and the online searching, bidding and buying process goes into full swing.

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Growing Plants for Picture-Perfect Pots
Suffolk History, Preservation Kristy McCormally Suffolk History, Preservation Kristy McCormally

Growing Plants for Picture-Perfect Pots

I’m Brian McCormally. Gardening is a passion of mine. I learned about growing plants, flowers and veggies from my mother who was an organic gardener long before it was fashionable. She taught me to treasure nature and to grow responsibly. See how I am making things grow at The Truitt House in this video tour of our green house and the seedlings we’re cultivating for Spring.

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Holidaying at The Truitt House

Holidaying at The Truitt House

Embarking on a Christmas home tour at The Truitt House is like stepping into a festive time capsule, with each room unfolding a unique story.

We often wonder what it must have been like to celebrate the holidays here more than a century ago. While different in decor, sharing special moments and making memories here with family and friends is the thread that connects us all.

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